I have been meaning to do a blog post about this for a little while. I entered a photo contest at the beginning of this year with photos taken in 2017. You are allowed to enter up to 50 photos and out of the 50 photos I did pretty well overall. 412,379 photos were submitted, and over 75 Million votes were cast. Here is how my photos did.
In the Pets and Animals Category I placed 292 out of 14,426 photos submitted with this image.
I also placed 602 with this image.
In the Senior and teens Category I placed 523 out of 29,460 images submitted with this image.
I placed 566 out of 29,460 with this image.
I placed 950 out of 29,460 with this image.
I placed 1766 out of the 29,460 with this image
I placed 3,304 out of 29,460 with this image
and I placed 6,596 out of 29,460 with this image for a total of 6 images placing in the top 30% or better in the Senior and teens category.
In the Newborn Category
I placed 831 out of 29,560 images submitted with this image
I placed 1,710 out of 29,560 images with this image
I placed 4,121 out of 29,560 images with this image
I placed 6,535 out of 29,560 images with this image
I placed 6,894 out of 29,560 images with this image
I placed 7,229 out of 29,560 images with this image
I placed 8,093 out of 29,560 images with this image for a total of 7 images in the top 30%
In the lifestyle/ Family documentary category
I placed 1,980 out of 19,330 images submitted with this image
I placed 2,196 out of 19,330 images submitted with this image
I placed 2,549 out of 35,570 images submitted with this image
I placed 9,039 out of 35,570 images with this image
In the Wedding Couples Category
I placed 2.129 out of 36,983 images submitted with this image
And I placed 9,211 out of 36,983 with this image
In the Babies and Toddlers Category
I placed 5,942 out of 28,425 with this image
In the styled portrait/fashion category
I placed 2,071 out of 11,101 with this image
In the creative/personal projects category
I placed 3,262 out of 13,502 images with this image
I placed 4,708 out of 18,185 with this image
And in the Engagement and Couples category
I placed 5,836 out of 37,145 images submitted with this image
So overall I ended the contest with 1 finalist, 9 in the top 10%, 6 in the top 20%, and 10 in the top 30% out of 412,379 photos. Next year I am hoping I crack the top 100 in at least a category. The talent in this contest is insane and it is an honor to receive the awards I did.